

The Ballast Trust relies on the work of knowledgeable, enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers. Without them we would not be able to understand collections and catalogue them to the same level of detail.

If you are seeking work experience of the Archives Sector, please see the information provided by the Archives and Records Association on placements.

We have a Volunteer Policy which outlines what we can offer volunteers and what we ask of our volunteers. In the meantime if you are interested in volunteering with us please get in touch to discuss it further.

We are looking for people with the following:

  • A knowledge of something (archives, ships, railways or engineering) – we like to match collections to specialist knowledge where possible.
  • Time to spare – this could be as little as a couple of hours a week or daily attendance (within office hours).
  • Attention to detail – the records require accurate and detailed listing.
  • Willingness to learn – we have set procedures for processing records.

In return we can offer:

  • All the tea and chocolate biscuits you can manage!
  • A chance to socialise with friendly individuals.
  • Training in computers and specific IT software if you wish.
  • The opportunity to help preserve Scotland’s industrial past.

If you are interested please contact Kiara King (email: kiara.king@glasgow.ac.uk or by telephone: 01505 328488). Or download and complete our application form and send it in.

In the past we have worked in partnership with Project Scotland to provide four volunteering placements to date.  The Ballast Trust has also appeared as a case study in the 2009 report on volunteering in archives by the National Council of Archives and the 2018 report the impact of volunteering in archives by the Archives and Records Association.